Vehicle lighting and electrics
From front lighting to the rear, from illuminants to electrical installation material – we make sure that your vehicle shines and blinks where it is necessary and useful.

Comprehensive assortment
This is why our assortment of vehicle lighting covers such a wide range. In our shop you can all kinds of electrical and lighting components: starting with electrical installation materials, to the working lights, rotating or flashing lights, and ending with the main headlamps.
In concrete terms, this means we carry a complete, always available assortment of products for all common commercial vehicles from all major brands such as Hella or Aspöck. At the same time, we offer you lower-priced alternatives, including high-quality products from our own brand. Our illuminants include bulbs as well as LEDs.
Catalog "Lighting and Electrics"
Light up the dark – whether with front and rear lighting, on-board electronics, illuminants or batteries of all kinds. In this catalog you'll find over 3,300 vehicle-independent spare parts for the lighting and electrical systems of your commercial vehicle. (catalog only available in German)

Not only do we deliver quickly, we also deliver exactly the right product – because our specialists give you extensive advice and expertise. Do you have a question? Are you looking for the right spare part or accessories? Get in touch with us!
No, a lot does not help a lot - and it might not be allowed either. The German Traffic Regulations (StVZO) have very clear requirements. Even if a truck draped with Christmas tree lights is probably easy to see, when it comes to the exterior lights of a truck, certain rules have to be followed.
It starts with the colors: white to the front, red to the rear, yellow to the side. So even at night and in fog, you can clearly see which side of the commercial vehicle you are looking at. The paired, symmetrical arrangement of the important function lamps and the contour lamps or side marker lamps also make it easy to see the outer edges of the vehicle. This is another reason why rear lights on the truck, trailer or semitrailer is important.

More light!
Nevertheless, besides the front headlamps, tail lamps and contour lamps other lighting can also be useful of course: Working lights, for example, are always important when certain jobs such as loading or unloading have to be done in the dark or at dawn.
The interior lights must naturally also comply with the regulations. However, drivers may want to add their own personal touches, especially during rest breaks, and make things a little more comfortable.
Our technical specialists will gladly answer any questions about the usefulness and approval of the various headlamps and illuminants (LED as well as bulbs) for your truck.
Whether it's high-beam headlamps, position lamps (also for the trailer!), fog lamps or brake lights, our assortment has everything you need for lighting. From rear reflectors to side marker lamps: We have whatever you need to make your vehicle visible and provide more safety for your driver and others on the road.
And you can certainly also contact us when it comes to ensuring that the vehicle lighting is attached to your truck in compliance with regulations. After all, incorrectly attached auxiliary lights or excessively bright lights can also cost you heavy fines.