FAQs about winkler NOW

In the following list, we show you answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about how to use winkler NOW. Maybe your question is also included. If you have any further questions or are not sure about a particular point, please feel free to contact us at any time.


How can we help you?

Which user data do I need to log in?

To log in to winkler NOW, simply use your login data for the winkler online shop. If you are already registered in the winkler online shop, you can also use winkler NOW with your current login data.

If you are not registered in the online shop yet, you can do this at shop.winkler.com by clicking on "Register new".


Which Internet browser do I need to use the desktop application?

You can use the winkler NOW desktop application with these browsers: Mozilla Firefox (Version 60 and higher), Internet Explorer (Version 11 and higher) and Google Chrome (Version 51 and higher).

winkler NOW might also work with other Internet browsers and browser versions, but we do not provide support for these. We therefore recommend that you use one of the supported browsers.


Who can read my messages?

All technical specialists in the sales team assigned to you (internal sales and field sales) can access your messages. This is how we make sure your messages are always read and do not go unanswered.


What happens if my technical specialist does not read my message?

If no one responds to your message after a certain time span, further winkler employees will be informed automatically and take care of your issue. This is how we make sure your message never goes unanswered.


What is the winkler bot?

The winkler bot is a software program that recognizes winkler numbers in the chat history and gives you a product image, price and information on availability for each item number – all in just a few seconds. Come and try out the winkler bot now!


Who can I contact if I have more questions?

Send an email to info[ a ]winkler[ . ]de or call us at +49 711 85999-0. We will be happy to help you!


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