Emergency equipment in the vehicle
Just like in all motor vehicles, suitable emergency equipment is also required to be carried in commercial vehicles – warning vests, first aid kits and perhaps additional safety devices.

First aid kit
§ 35h of the German Road Regulations (StVZO) requires that motor vehicles must carry a DIN 13164-compliant first-aid kit. The packaging must protect the contents well enough from moisture and dust, fuels and lubricants. Part of this kit involves sterile products whose shelf life expires after five years and which must be checked and replaced on a regular basis.

Warning aids for persons and vehicles
Warning vests are mandatory
Since July 1, 2014, § 53a of the German Road Regulations (StVZO) has required that at least one yellow or orange warning vest be carried in passenger cars, trucks, tractors and semitrailer tractors as well as in motor coaches. Two vests are required in the case of double drivers. The warning vests must comply with the DIN EN 471:2003 + A1:2007 standard, March 2008 edition, and are also mandatory in agricultural vehicles.
On the road
According to the German Road Regulations (StVZO), a warning triangle and an additional warning light are required for vehicles with an approved total weight of more than 3.5 metric tons. The warning light may also be replaced by a portable flashing light.

Hazardous goods
When transporting hazardous goods, it is absolutely required to check the written instructions to see which safety devices are required. The decisive regulation here is Section 8.1.5 of the ADR ("Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route," the European Agreement on the Transport of Dangerous Goods). For example, the number of warning triangles and warning lights required may increase, or the need to carry protective gloves, eye protection, collecting tray or drain covers may be mandatory.
Catalog "On-Board Systems and Equipment for Omnibuses"
Equip your omnibuses with the best features, for example with info and entertainment on the road, interior lights, on-board kitchens and seats! Besides technical support such as navigation devices for the driver, we also offer passenger entertainment. Browse online or order now! (catalog only available in German)

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