Replacing hydraulic pumps

The hydraulic pump is the most important component of the hydraulic system – and now and then it must be replaced. Learn what to watch out for.

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The hydraulic pump’s key role

In agricultural vehicles, the hydraulic system is one of the most important technical systems. Since it is used every day, it is subject to lots of strain. The hydraulic pump is the most important component of the hydraulic system. It supplies loads – for example, the rear hydraulics or hydraulic steering – with oil and the proper pressure.

Help when replacing

Before replacing a hydraulic pump, the right replacement pump must be identified. Hydraulic pumps have different delivery volumes, directions of rotation, mechanical drive and oil connections. By identifying which pump is the right one for your vehicle, your winkler technical specialist will be happy to provide further assistance. Please be ready with the original number or the reference number, and a photo can also be helpful.

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The pump is part of a system

When the hydraulic pump is being replaced, the maintenance work should also include the hydraulic oil and hydraulic filter. Oils also grow old and lose the properties they once provided. The right oils with a high quality standard ensure lubrication inside the hydraulic system. HLPD oils have the capacity to bind water, which gives the system additional protection against corrosion.

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Also replace filters regularly

Whether it’s a return flow, suction or pressure filter, hydraulic filters guard against contaminants, thus protecting components against increased wear. All residue that filters cannot capture remain in the hydraulic oil and can also cause deposits of dirt particles in the pump. To prevent dirt from entering the hydraulic pump – particularly if it was recently installed –, the oil and filter should be replaced along with the pump. This will optimally equip your hydraulic system for continued use again.

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